1. ​​Hypertension is an important contributor to cardiovascular disease. The 2020 National Population Health Survey showed an increasing trend in the crude prevalence of hypertension among Singapore residents aged between 18 to 74 years, from 24.2% in 2017 to 35.5% in 2019-20201.​

  2. Blood pres​sure category is defined by the highest level of blood pressure, whether systolic or diastolic2​.

  3. Treatment decisions are individualised for each patient and based on an assessment of overall cardiovascular risk.​​

Recommended considerations when taking blood pressure measurements for diagnosis:

  1. Take an average of 2 seated blood pressure (BP) measurements after advising the patient to rest for at least 3 minutes.

  2. Repeat BP measurement on at least 2 separate occasions.

  3. Use the correct size BP cuff.

  4. Consider home BP monitoring, where appropriate.

Diagnose hypertension if systolic ≥ 140 mmHg or diastolic ≥ 90 mmHg. For home blood pressure monitoring, use 135/85 as the cut-off for hypertension.

Table 1: Initial Screening Blood Pressure (BP) (Average of 2 or More Readings)

Sy​stoli​c BP (mmH​g)Diastolic BP (mm​​Hg)Cate​goryRec​ommended Action
<130​<85Normal“Normal BP". Advise BP check biennially
130 – 13985 – 89​High-Normal BPAdvise lifestyle modification. Check BP annually or more frequently if cardiovascular risk factors are present.
140 – 15990 – 99Grade 1 HypertensionFor those without cardiovascular risk factors, try lifestyle modifications first for 3 – 6 months (shorter for those with cardiovascular risk factors). For those at high risk with established cardiovascular or renal disease, diabetes mellitus or target organ damage, initiate drug treatment with lifestyle measures at the same time
160 – 179100 – 109Grade 2 Hype​rtensionFor those at low risk with 0 to 2 cardiovascular risk factors, can try lifestyle modification first for several weeks; otherwise, initiate drug treatment with lifestyle measures at the same time.
≥ 180≥ 110Grade 3 HypertensionInitiate drug treatment with lifestyle measures at the same time.
≥ 140< 90Isolated Systolic HypertensionIsolated systolic hypertension is graded according to the same ranges of systolic BP as the above, and the corresponding recommendations apply.

Hypertensive urgency:
Diagnose if acute, severe elevation in blood pressure without signs or symptoms of end-organ damage.

Hypertensive emergency:
Diagnose if high blood pressure (often > 180/110 mmHg) associated with acute target organ damage or dysfunction.

History, examination and investigations

Important Note - determine whether there is/are

  1. Secondary causes for the hypertension 
  2. Target organ damage
  3. Other cardiovascular risk factors present
    Special note on Home Blood Pressure Monitoring​

Blood Pressure Treatment Targets

1. General:

  • < 140/90 mmHg in patients < 80 years old.
  • < 150/90 mmHg in patients ≥ 80 years old (do not decrease diastolic BP to < 60 mmHg).

2. Special conditions:

  • < 140/80 mmHg in patients with diabetes mellitus
  • ≤ 130/80 mmHg in patients with proteinuria (both diabetic and non-diabetic patients)
  • < 150/100 mm Hg in pregnant patients without target organ damage (do not decrease diastolic BP to < 80 mm Hg)
  • < 140/90 mmHg in pregnant patients with target organ damage

Table 2. Recommended Care Components

Recomm​ended Care ​Compone​nts​ Minimum Frequency* Remarks​
Blood Pressure Measurement Twice a year 
Weight and BMI Assessment Twice a year Keep <23kg/m2 (For Non-Asian population, keep BMI <25 kg/m2)

Kidney Assessment

  • Serum Cr and/o​r eGFR, and
  • Urine Albumin-Creatinine Ratio (uACR) or Protein-Creatinine Ratio (uPCR)

If patient also has DM, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) are preferred antihypertensives to slow progression of diabetic nephropathy

Annual screening of:

  • Serum​ Cr and/or eGFR and
  • uACR in all patients, or uPCR if significant levels of proteinuria
Smoking Assessment Annually for smokers; Once-off for non-smokers, unless there is a change in smoking habit Assessment on smoking habits (estimated sticks/day; zero for non- or ex-smoker) and provide smoking cessation counselling
Lipid Profile At baseline

All patients should be stratified for their risk of developing future coronary events5.

Targets of treatment should be personalised by levels of risk.

Please refer to Care Protocol for Lipid Disorders​

Car​diac Assessment At diagnosis before initiating medications Includes baseline ECG

*More frequently if clinically indicated.


Where resources are available, consider the roles of other primary care team members – nurse counsellors and other allied health professionals. 

  • Regular exercise
  • Smoking cessation
  • Weight reduction
  • Reduction of alcohol intake
  • Reduction of sodium intake.  Refer to  High Bloo​d Pressure: Healthy Eating Guide. (e.g. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension​ (DASH) diet​)
  • Reduction of stress

*Please refer to BMI ​Control​ and Smoking Cessation​ Care Protocols for lists of programmes.


Figure 1: Drug Choices

Drug Choices for Hypertension.png

Drug Combinations

Hypertension Drug Combinations.png

  1. Beta-blocker + ACE-I / ARB does not produce synergistic BP reduction

  2. ACE-I + ARB decreases GFR in CKD patients and should be avoided. (Consider monitoring serum creatinine and potassium levels for all patients started on either ACE-I or ARB)

  3. Beta-blocker + diuretic increases risk of developing diabetes mellitus

  4. Beta-blocker + non-dihydropyridine CCB (e.g., diltiazem) increases risk of bradycardia and AV Block and should be avoided 

Considerations​ for Specialist Referral2

Specialist Referral Recommended 
  • Emergency or urgent treatment indicated e.g., malignant hypertension, hypertensive cardiac failure or other impending complications.
  • Hypertension difficult to manage e.g., unusually labile BP, hypertension refractory to multiple (3 or more) drug regimens.
  • Suspected secondary hypertension i.e., hypertension due to an underlying cause, such as hyperaldosteronism.
  • Hypertension in special circumstances e.g., pregnancy, young children.
Consider Specialist Input 
  • Young hypertensive patients who are less than 30 years old.
  • Patients suspected to have secondary causes of hypertension.​

The following data fields should be documented in your case notes as part of good clinical practice for all patients enrolled to your practice.

Submission of data fields marked with asterisks* is required for subsidy claims and Healthier SG payments. ​

Blood Pressure

  1. Systolic BP (mmHg)*
  2. Diastolic BP (mmHg)*
  3. Date*​

Blood Glucose

  1. HbA1c (%) or Fasting Plasma Glucose (mmol/L or mg/dL)
  2. Date​

Lipid Profile

  1.   LDL-C (mmol/L or mg/dL)
  2.   HDL-C (mmol/L or mg/dL)
  3.   Triglycerides (mmol/L or mg/dL)
  4.   Total Cholesterol (mmol/L or mg/dL)
  5.   Date​


  1. BMI (kg/m2), calculated from height*, weight*
  2. Waist Circumference (in cm; optional field to fill)
  3. Date*​

Kidney Assessment
  1. Serum creatinine (μmol/L)* or eGFR (ml/min/1.73m2)*
  2. Urine ACR (mg/mmol)* or Urine PCR (mg/mmol)*
  3. Date* ​

Smoking History
  1. Smoking Status* [Never smoker, Ex-smoker, Current Smoker]
  2. Year started smoking (if smoker)
  3. No. of sticks smoked/day* (if smoker)
  4. State of change: (i) Pre-contemplation, (ii) Contemplation, (iii) Preparation (iv) Action, OR (v) Maintenance​​

CHAS/PG/MG cardholders who are Healthier SG enrolees would be eligible for the Healthier SG Chronic Tier, which provides percentage-based subsidies for a whitelist of drug products at capped selling prices. For subsidy claim, GPs should document the quantities and selling prices for eac​h whitelisted drug product prescribed.

&lt;​Placeholder for hyperlink to specific MOH Circulars where relevant​​&gt;